Friday, May 3, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

  • Selvedge Magazine, the online edition, because I live in the United States, and 75 miles to the nearest bookstore, is at the top of my list. I have visited London and my heart loves London. This magazine is intelligent and varied in representing unique choices related to Fiber Arts. I especially love articles related to the history of textiles and examples of ideas and images I might never have seen, otherwise.The international flair of the ads are of interest to my hungry mind, as well.

  • Habu Textiles. the website is visited by me, often. The choices they make of what to carry in the store might be exactly what I am seeking, or what, if I were an octopus, I would want to make to use, myself.

  • The woodlands where I live, because of the secret little flowers and the habitats I find.

  • Walking the path at Cascade Park in Virginia where the boulders are covered in moss or flushes of pure water. The fallen trees make natural bridges where I can sit to watch and photograph. The joy I feel that my lungs work well enough to be able to do this, again.

  • Anthropologie, the people behind the concepts never cease to amaze me. I would work there because I would fit right in.

Reading books about the period around the turn of the last century, until about 1940. I love the art spirit. I have a great appreciation of what happened to the world with the influenza catastrophe, the horrors of world war 1, the art that was done in spite of everything, and the way humans survive great depressions, and what and how they did just that.

  1. I love the movie, "Chicago," the dance and songs were done so perfectly.

  1. The Sundance Catalogue.

  1. I think I would like the candle called "absinthe" at one of my favorite shops," Bellochio" in San Fran.

  1. Tail of the Yak in Berkeley, Cali.

  1. My Kindle Fire HD! I love the book, "The Glass Bead Game", I re-read this every now and then.

  1. Mish Mish in Blacksburg, they have what I need.
How the numbering system on this page is not working, after the fact of writing my thoughts (my fault). Makes me laugh.

I am listening to Mrs. Dalloway from Audible Books. Annette Bening is absolutely perfect for the voice. I love this particular book, anyways.  Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Stein are big influences for someone like me.

And Google! Even if they watch everything. Like they always say. . .


Have a great weekend!

xoxo The bird