Monday, July 22, 2013

Working Tidal/Title

I keep thinking of how to live in a world so full of technology where our eyes spend way to much time gazing into a rabbit hole of light and dots. When you are lost you are lost. How is it possible to earn the means to acquire tools for the purpose of simple communication and everything that it requires? I know that the Kindle is a wonderful device for those of us who might be housebound or in a hospital or if you might have dyslexia; these can be read and heard. I like it that Amazon makes it relatively easy to buy the device and I know that libraries can loan the books. What about computers and internet access costs? How can we help each other to help each other? I think about this all of the time.
One thing I do is to look for beauty in the considered ugly. It might be better if some of this did not exist, but I do not see it disappearing, anytime soon. But, I can make people aware.
How can one person change the world? One person at a time?
I know a few women who go out into the world and provide work with good wages. They supply the material and the design. It makes a huge difference in many lives. One person at a time. In this way that we can know everything we want to know almost instantly, what are we going to do with that besides newsy gossip on a world wide level? Surely, there is a way to use it for something more important?
I am thinking of indigo, the growing of it, of mini-goats, and an alpaca she she with really long eyelashes. She wears a tutu and hand quilted (SHIBORI) saddlebags filled with purple coneflowers and daisy blooms. Lavender sachets and lavender fields. Blue with chicory and Virginia Bluebells and Shirley Poppy plants in all the warmest color. Imagine that? We have a farmers market, now, how does it all sound? We can dye our fiber and we can. . . No Nay-Sayers Allowed! I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would say about this?


The world is change.
Life is change, this is the ONLY thing I know for sure.
The Birdy told me so.

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