Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Found Some

Looking for beauty in the ugly is what I do. It is a matter of taste, or opinion, as to what is aesthetically pleasing to each individual.  The subject is the subject is the subject. The fun is in the looking looking everywhere all the time this is the experience of living with eyes fully open to anything that is here, now.
I am not saying anything is "ART".
I am saying that I saw this or I see that.
The bird

Monday, July 15, 2013


Over the weekend, we attended a concert
of  Blue Grass Music. (the mandolin player, especially terrific)   Music speaks to me in a way that nothing else does, it lifts me where I find myself lost in the moment, perfectly centered. This day is one filled with joy that my really good friend is recovering, the sky is bluer than my fence. the chicken topiary is trimmed, and I am getting a kick out of "What Einstein Told His Cook," by Robert L. Wolke. One more thing, dipping prints in Bees Wax and watching bees buzz my forest of Purple Cone Flowers is way cool.