Thursday, May 2, 2013

Stitch by Little Stitch

A bird is throwing out old straw and bits.
Waiting for the dawn to come
he had her worm
now it is time for the worm to turn
to hide the old forgotten
the worm
not eaten
now hers.

The tide is turning
stitch by stitch.
To you
have a great day!

Back Into Swing of Things

If it works, don't break it, if you have to start somewhere, just begin, again. I find, for me, at least, that  just taking or making time to work, making a decision to do just that, then just do it, works.
Sharing the process, this works for me.
Even if it is not very good, who cares?
    When I do this, I get caught up, wings of desire,(Rilke) will carry me exactly where I want to be.
 Patience, now that is something I ponder. Sooner, than I can know, it really does not matter, when. . .if I live in this moment. . .
I hope for you that you enjoy the moments of your life, too.
xoxo The bird