Monday, September 9, 2013

A Voyage to be Forgotten - Journal

November 18, 1887
The captain put us off the boat on the west coast of Africa where we explored for days looking for provisions. The journey has been a nightmare until now. Hunger and thirst consumed our frailties to the point of our disappearances. I search for meaning every moment of every day as I watch my teeth drop out upon my bloody pillow. The dream time is better than wake time. Days we walk searching until we can search no more.

If we had gone aboard the balloon to sail for 80 days the only difference would be time for we would be exactly where we started. Around the world would still be a promise of that dream, of what might be, instead.  This Nordic blood within my veins longs for the smell of pine and my eyes the sight of pure white snow.
For the love of Mondays,
xoxoxo Wanderlust Bird

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Disappearing Spoon


Just where did it go? And why? What did I ever need a spoon to do? This question keeps me awake at night. Sometimes, I even dream of a spoon.

My attachment to this topic has become obsessive, in a few ways. My hand could be a spoon or a ladle. If it were but for the fact I worry about germs. Is ignorance bliss, after all? Who made or used the very first spoon? I saw a chimpanzee poke a stick into a hole in the ground in order to pull out some termites to eat, pretty clever, I say. So what is the difference between a stick to a spoon?  It, the spoon I mean, has a tiny bowl or vessel on one end and the stick does not. But, try to get a spoon into a ketchup bottle. Personally, I love silver spoons. I do not like to polish silver spoons, so in this case a stick will do. Notwithstanding (I really hate that word), I still want a spoon. But, I do not know where it went. I like wooden spoons, too, they do not scratch my cookware when I stir a sauce, would a stick do? I wonder what Forest Gump would think about this topic? Maybe his friend would answer my question like he does about shrimp. How can you eat spaghetti without a spoon? How can you eat soup without a spoon? I tried eating spaghetti at that Italian Restaurant we all know without a spoon, didn’t work too well using my knife as a spoon. How much money do these corporations save by not putting a spoon with the knife and a fork? My husband made a career by discovering tiny little things that make a huge difference in the bottom line for large corporations. He also is always picking up pennies from the pavement of any parking lot we walk across. This is where I guess the spoon has gone, into the space where a billion dollar sign goes. But still, I want a spoon. Do you suppose I could pick the phone up and dial a number to ask someone? Just how many buttons do you think I would push before a real live person would come onto the other end to tell me that they do not know but they would be happy to connect me with someone else where that same thing happens again endlessly?

I wonder if someone has a dissertation or a focus book already done on the topic. No, I do not want to Google it!

Ok I'm outa here. This is for someone who knows.
Gene Autry Poster alteration using Scratchcam on mini Ipad  camera
xoxo the cowbird