Sunday, February 16, 2014

In the details

Is it not always
the details
you notice
below the consciousness of the moment

where you pause
who might be beside you
those moments you might miss
if you casually ignore the opportunity

 creating with reverence, a new book I am contemplating
with complete attention
on another snowy day

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Taking Chances. . .

Meeting New People
Going Out Into The World
Showing Work
I read a blog about a woman who never ever sells her work, as a matter of fact, I believe it was an article in a magazine about how she works, but only for herself. I think about this quite a bit. It makes sense to my inner "artist" self. I really really hate to go out. I really really love to meet other people and especially anyone who really loves to work.
For the past year I have to be isolated a lot. It is an issue with my health, but. . .is it really? It has become a thing.
So this is the question, is it living if you are not living?
So I am taking a big chance and going out to meet (in person) some other people in the arts  It is worth it.